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Same Day Result

Get certified as soon as you finish your exam with a minimum passing grade of 70%.

Government Approved

Ministry of Health recognized service provider.

No-fail Policy

If you take our training and fail the exam, you can return, and retake the test for free.

Multiple Languages

Take the test in the language of your choosing: English, Spanish, Farsi, French, Korean,Chinese, Greek or Polish.


Renew your Food Handler Certificate, the exam will not take more than 1 hour. Certificates issued immediately. $57.52 + HST ($65)

Food Handler Training

Course: 4- 5 hours + Exam: 1-hour Online and On-Site Training No-fail policy. $79.65 +HST ($90)

Students with ID $59.65 + HST ($70)

Group Training

Food Safety Training for groups of 10+ at your preferred location. Group rates available

AODA Assistance

Oral exams, translators, and other support upon request. Training is suitable for people with visual impairments. All videos are described.


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Indigenous Food Knowledge Series – Issue #2

In Canadian Food Safety Training’s second Indigenous Food Knowledge issue, Rollin Baldhead describes conversations with his family about our earth and the beautiful things it can provide for us. Through these important Earth Day discussions, he uncovers more indigenous food knowledge. The lessons we learn from askiy (Cree for land, the earth) “You wanna know […]

Indigenous Food Knowledge Series – Issue #1

We are very excited to announce that Canadian Food Safety Training is working with Indigenous Food Blogger Rollin Baldhead to present our new series of traditional food safety knowledge. This summer we will follow the stories of Elders across Canada, where they tell us all about how they use their knowledge of the land to […]

Book Your Food Handler Certificate Today!

We are here to help

+1 416 627 4169

Canadian Food Safety Training
2080 Danforth Ave.
Toronto, ON. M4C 1J9
@ The Workaround

Copyright 2021 © Canadian Food Safety Training. Canadian Food Safety Training Inc. was created in 2007 through a partnership with government, industry, health, and education to deliver food handler certificates accepted by All Ontario Public Health Boards. We deliver training to the public that will allow them to become certificated food handlers.

Website designed by SME.Consulting